Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well.. Lucy played a little trick on me today. She made me think she was coming soon. Sorry if this is too much info.. :) I lost my mucous plug this morning so I called my nurse. She told me that if I had more than 6 contractions in an hour that I should go into the hospital to be checked out. I went about my morning.. cleaning, running errands, etc. I think because I was going I didn't realize how many contractions I was having. Abby went down for a nap at about 2:00pm. I sat down to watch a tv show while she was sleeping. Sure enough I had 5-6 contractions in 30 minutes. So, my neighbor Tiffany came over and took me to the hospital (while her husband sat at our house in case Abby woke up). Thanks to the Ence's - you guys rock!! :) They hooked me up to be monitored at the hospital and my contractions were coming pretty close together. After an hour or so they decided to keep me just a little longer. The doctor was thinking I was having contractions because I was dehydrated (I had a flu over the weekend). Tiffany ran home to watch Abby until Matt came or my mother-n-law came to get her. I was given an IV for fluids and that did help the contractions lessen. I also hadn't dilated at all. So, as soon as my IV was through they sent me home! I'm to come back if my water breaks or if my contractions become painful where I can't talk through them. If neither happens then I will have her on the 24th by C-section. So sometime within two weeks - Lucy will arrive! :)


Anonymous said...

That stinker! Although I know you weren't ready for her quite yet I thought for sure she was coming! Get ready just in case. Let me know if you need anything.

Alesha said...

You're getting down to the wire there! I'm so excited for you guys to have Lucy finally here! I bet it's nice knowing that you only have two more weeks of being pregnant or possibly less...

Tiffany said...

I know you would do the same for me! I forgot to ask if you were still contracting when I left your house today... Hopefully they will either stop or she will come!!

Jules said...

I can't wait to see little Lucy! Let me know how I can help you guys out!

~Jordyn said...

Hi there! My name is Jordyn I am from Tooelemommies.com. I noticed your blog link so I thought I come and visit it. Wow you are about to have another little one huh? So exciting.Can't wait to see her when she comes!