Thursday, March 12, 2009

My heart

So, I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago with a pain in my left breast. It wasn't a lump or anything so we weren't worried about cancer. My doctor couldn't really explain it so he ran some blood work. This week my nurse called me back about the blood work. Almost everything looked okay, except it showed slight breakdown of my heart muscle. Because of this the doctor wanted me to come in to talk about it and get an EKG. I went in on Wednesday to my appointment. The EKG results showed that I haven't had a heart attack (well - that's great!), but my doctor said I have a slow heart beat. With my symptoms of: slow heart beat, the heart muscle breakdown bloodwork, the pain in my breast, my cholesterol (it isn't too terrible), and some heart fluttering (most likely due to my slow heart beat) -- my doctor wants me to do more testing. I'll have to be monitored for a few days and push a button anytime I feel a flutter (my heart beating faster) or any pain. This is so they can tell what's going on with my heart when I'm having a flutter or whatever. It all sounds scary, but I'm really not worried. I think everything will be fine. Really I'm just typing it out to help it make sense to me. I'm not in any pain or anything.. so I'm expecting it to be okay! I'll be getting the monitoring thing tomorrow - so maybe within the next 2 weeks I'll know more. I'll make sure to post again.


Unknown said...

OMG Debi!! I'll definitely be praying for you!! Please let me know if I can do anything for you...

Tiffany said...

Ummm, so the more I think about this the more I get a little freaked out!! I really hope we're right and that it turns out to be nothing.....

Alice said...

Debi, I hope everything went okay! Let me know. Talk to you soon. Take care!

Jules said...

Yikes! I hope everything turns out okay with your heart. You take care girl!

BTW - I tagged you on my last blog post.