Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm going to be fine!

I heard back from my doctor about the results of my heart monitoring. He said there wasn't anything that was alarming. The doctor said that my heart can get up to 150bpm for no apparent reason at all, so he thinks I'm having stress/anxiety that may be causing the heart quickening. I'll go on some medicine to help with that. I'll follow-up with my doctor in a month to see if the medicine has been helping with the symptoms. I'm sure they will!


Dan said...

Glad to hear your ok. I knew you had a good heart.
Take care of yourself and don't get stressed.

Melissa said...

Thats great!! I see the Bishop is checking on yah. That is sweet.

Being a mommy can be stressful, so you should try to take it easy. Good Luck with that :)

Rachel said...

Wow I am glad everything is well with you...or atleast nothing really bad. Me and Cindy have had some of that going on too...I think that maybe being a mother takes a lot out of you! ANyhow I am glad to hear that everything is ok!

Jules said...

I'm so glad to hear that your heart is fine. It is a little frightening to have your heart rate climb like that when you are not even exercising! That's a symptom I've experienced because of my thyroid. Anyway, don't get stressed and do something that makes you laugh out loud!

Unknown said...

Yay!! I'm so happy that you have a happy heart. lol. xoxo