Sunday, June 7, 2009

Random stuff

Here I am dying my roots and I have time to spare.. :) So I thought I'd post on my blog. I planted a garden this year. We planted: tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, and green bell peppers. We don't have a nice boxed garden and our soil was pretty awful. Since we don't have extra cash we decided to grow our garden in pots. So far, everything is doing well. Our tomato plants have little green tomatoes on them! I can't can't wait for fresh garden tomatoes. Nothing else is better. :) I hope everything else continues to do well. Abby is a little green thumb too - she picked out her own flowers and planted them in pots in the front yard. She is very diligent at watering the flowers everyday, which has helped me to remember to water my garden too. All of Abby's flowers are pink - of course. Lucy is getting ready to crawl - I just know it. She is going from the sitting position to being on her belly. Lucy loves to watch Barbie Thumbelina - it's funny. She honestly would watch the whole thing... if I let her. It's pretty funny. Matt is keeping busy at work and playing on nights and weekends. Matt has started to follow his dad's example.. he takes Abby on candy runs every Saturday morning to 7-11. When Matt and his sisters were young - their dad would take each kid on a candy run every Saturday. Of course Matt would tell you that it's not the same because his dad had a Porsche. Matt just has his regular car. (Poor Matt.. someday he will get a Porsche!). We are really looking forward to my family reunion in July... well actually both of our family reunions in July. OK - time to wash my hair! Happy Summer everyone!! :)


Becky said...

Poor Matt. Tell him I feel for him. And all this time I thought you really were blonde! (I mean that nicely.)

todavine said...

Your husband, Matt may see my husband, Matt with my boys at 7-11 on sat. morings (will more like afternoon) except they are usually getting hotdogs to go along with the candy.