Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby Lucy is arriving September 17th!

So - I am most likely going to have baby Lucy on September 17th now! I talked to my nurse and asked if they would move my delivery date up since Lucy was so big in my ultrasound. She said that my due date according to the ultrasound would be September 21st and they wouldn't want me to go over (since I'll be having another C-section). So - that would mean we would deliver her on Sept. 17th! That is only 4 weeks from tomorrow. I can't believe how fast this time has gone by for me. We still have quite a bit to do to be ready for her to come. We're going to put together the nursery this weekend. (Right now it's the office). I am feeling great. Lucy is moving all the time. I love being pregnant.. it's just fun. Well, except for the few annoyances - like not sleeping well. Abby will be staying at her Grandma & Grandpa Bonham's house while we're in the hospital. Then her Grandma Terry will be coming out to stay for about a week after we get home from the hospital. We're looking forward to this fun and exciting time!

1 comment:

The Robbins said...

I can't believe your due date is coming so soon. I hope you post lots of pictures, I want to come see her as soon as you are ready for visitors. I really enjoyed our visit when Macie was born. It was a pleasant surprise!