Friday, November 21, 2008

Lucy is 2 months!

Lucy had her 2-month doctor appointment on Wednesday this week. She is at the 50th percentiles for everything; height, weight, head circumfrance. Obviously she doesn't have the "Erekson" head. Abby's head at 2 months was in the 90th percentile. ;) Lucy is just perfect - of course! She did get her shots. They made her cry, but I fed her a bottle right afterwards and I had already given her tylenol to help with the pain. She did fine for a few hours. I even went to my mother-in-laws to can jam. Lucy slept the whole time while we were canning. Then once we were done she woke up and was crying so hard. It was sad to watch her cry that hard. We could tell her legs were hurting her. After about an hour of continuous crying I decided that maybe I should just put her in her car seat and get in the car. In the car seat she wouldn't be moving her legs as much and maybe the motion of the car would put her to sleep. She didn't like the car seat at first, but as soon as I started driving she was quiet and started to fall asleep. I was glad that she was soothed. Luckily she hasn't had a crying fit like that again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that she is already 2 months. Wow! Where does the time go?