Monday, November 10, 2008

Potty training!

We are potty training Abby. For a little while she has been telling us when she's peed or pooped in her diaper to be changed. Last Thursday afternoon she went pee on the potty and I was overly excited and jumping up and down and screaming! She really liked my excited response so she did it again!! So I decided to jump into potty training! We are doing the 'naked' method. Abby is naked on the bottom half and just goes potty when she needs to (we're using diapers for nap time and bed time). Since Thursday afternoon she hasn't had one accident! She is doing so well. So today we put some loose shorts on her (that she is able to pull down and then back up). She did pretty well this morning so we put underwear on her. Well, she finally had an 'accident' - she pooped in her underwear. Right after she did it she came to me. I'm hoping this is a learning accident and she won't want to do that again. We will see! I'm just shocked and excited that she is doing so well on the potty.


Liz said...

Maybe I should send Kelty your way. She Peed in the potty once today, and is sitting on it watching TV right now. Maybe Abby will rub off onto her :)

Steven and Kimberly said...

Oh, the joys of potty training!! It actually seems to be going pretty good for you. Good Luck!

Jules said...

Sounds like all is well in the land of potty training! Hurray and Hurrah!

My daughter was just as easy. The boys were a completely different story.