Friday, September 5, 2008

September 24th or before?

My life is surrounding my pregnancy right now. That's life, I guess! I had an OB check yesterday. I'm getting down to the last few weeks. My doctor is going to deliver by c-section on the 24th. Baby Lucy is big. Today he said something that actually surprised me! He said that if I went into labor on my own and went to the hospital and was dilated to a 5 or so that he would let me do a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section)!!!! It just kind of shocked me because the whole pregnancy we've talked about doing another c-section. He said that we will still tentatively schedule the c-section for the 24th, but if I happen to go into labor before then we would see. I didn't actually go into labor with my first pregnancy, so here's hoping that maybe I will with this one?
This week my mother-n-law came out two times to help me get ready for the baby. We cleaned and organized Abby's room. It had been a mess since I moved all her toys in there. We got a new dresser and moved the baby things into baby Lucy's room. We did all that on Tuesday. Then on Thursday she watched Abby while I had my doctor appointment. Then we just cleaned up the baby's room. It was so great to have her help! I am feeling more ready. :)


Anonymous said...

Sweet if you can go into labor on your own. That'd be great. What a nice MIL to come help you out.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Good luck! I hope you are able to go into labor on your own.